They’ve been neighbors for years. Sometimes they drink together, sometimes they fight each other. They’re probably friends, often rivals and forever true Vikings.
We are happy to finally present to you the sixth major free update to Northgard, Krowns and Daggers.
The Krowns and Daggers update brings a host of new features, gameplay additions and even a new neutral faction to Northgard. With an increased focus on diplomacy, and a complete overhaul of how you develop and maintain relations with your fellow factions, Krowns and Daggers is easily one of our most ambitious content updates yet!

Update Northgard: Kröwns & Daggers Key Features
- Keep an eye on your relations with neutral factions and find the good balance between new rewards and risks.
- Discover the very rich Dwarves and try to gain their trust!
- Send your scouts spying on enemies and gather precious information.
- Declare an enemy clan as your Rival, for a gain but at a cost.
- Take part in new competitive events against the other clans for a reward!
You can check the game’s website for further information or the Northgard official wiki on Gamepedia.
“All the doorways, before one enters, should be looked around, should be spied out;
it can’t be known for certain where enemies are sitting in the hall ahead.“
Odin ~ The Havamal
Published on October 6 2021